Friday, October 23, 2015

Recreational Math

Math can be used in so many different ways. It is used in the real world with almost everything. Without math in our lives, we could not be the people we are today. Math almost runs the world. It is how we find all the things we need to survive as a community. Without math, we could not build the simplest of structures safely. However, math can be used in every day life for dumb and stupid things that look super cool. Math can be used to make a forever rotation hexagon that can change colors every single time and even change the order of the colors. This math can even be super cool and interesting and can make anyone want to do it. This kind of math can make anyone want to do it and can even get people who do not like math at all become super interested in math and that could lead to them being the next great architect that builds and indestructible building. Math is just cool and it runs the world, recreational of for work.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Piecewise Applications

Piecewise functions can be used in many different ways in the real world. One that I find most interesting is seeing how much you're going to pay for a rental car. In the video, it shows how to use a piecewise function to see how much you're going to pay at the 100 mile mark. In the example, you pay 20c per mine once you hit 100 miles but from 0 - 99 miles you had to play 25c at the starting price of $30. I found this very interesting because you can use it to find anything related to renting things and it just seems very useful. I would use it if I had a certain amount of money and i needed to know what car I had to rent to make sure I had some money left over. It just seemed the most useful out of the few videos that it was shown in and I would even use it myself if I got the chance to.